Discovering the healing power of Silence

Pepper Digital
2 min readNov 5, 2023

During my childhood, my mother’s words often echoed in my ears: “Don’t talk too much.” Back then, I saw it as an expression of sexism, an attempt to confine me within traditional gender roles. My mother epitomized the archetype of a traditional woman, believing that a lady’s demeanor involved modesty in speech, culinary skills, elegant attire, and unwavering ladylike decorum. I couldn’t help but notice the disparity in how these expectations were applied. While my younger brother was granted almost unrestricted freedom, I felt stifled by my mother’s stringent “ladylike” rules. This led me to vow to lead a different life.

Fast forward to my forties, and I’ve undergone a profound transformation. Approximately two years ago, an overwhelming desire to speak less, abstain from gossip, and refrain from broadcasting my personal updates to the world took hold of me. This unexpected shift brought me a newfound sense of tranquility, inner peace, and a sense of healing. Surprisingly, my traditional mother, who I once viewed as oppressive and sexist, may have held wisdom that I was unable to grasp at the time. In the art of not talking too much, minding your own business, and maintaining your peace, there lies an immense source of healing.

Embracing MyAuthentic Self

By welcoming silence and nurturing inner peace, I’ve unlocked the gateway to a more authentic life. My life’s transformation, rooted in the healing power of silence, has been nothing short of remarkable. I’ve discovered that in silence and inner peace, profound healing can be found. Embracing the wisdom I once resisted has been transformative.

